

College Central was inspected by Ofsted on the 6th and 7th of February 2024. The inspection became a graded inspection on day one, and the school was assessed to be Inadequate in all areas and requiring special measures. The Primary (FLP) provision based with Cuckmere House and New Horizons special schools is included in the report and the experiences of pupils in these settings is positively reported. Concerns relate to College Central secondary settings and dangerous behaviours displayed in the Eastbourne site on day two of the inspection in particular. The final report is available below.

Since the inspection the number of pupils on roll at College Central has risen to an unprecedented number in the 14 year history of the school. Capacity concerns have coincided with escalating numbers of pupils displaying violent, aggressive, dangerous and destructive behaviours.

The CEO of the Sabden Multi Academy Trust, Jo Foulkes said: “Whilst recognising that there are many factors that have contributed to the very difficult position we find ourselves in at this time, we accept the Ofsted judgment and will do all we can to ensure the smooth and expedient transfer of College Central to a new Trust.

The wellbeing of our pupils and staff is of the utmost importance to us and we have consistently demonstrated this at our other schools. We are being open and transparent with parents and carers of current College Central pupils and will continue to update them on actions being taken to improve the provision during the transfer.”

A post Ofsted action plan is in place to secure improvements prior to the transfer. The new Trust is building local capacity and working alongside College Central leaders to support rapid improvement in the interim.

Any enquiries relating to the Ofsted report should be sent to