

Update on Nore Academy, Isle of Sheppey (April 2024)

The Sabden Multi Academy Trust has taken the difficult decision to withdraw from the Nore Academy project. The decision comes following a review within the Trust and the decision to focus on Sussex and the Trust’s current portfolio of schools for the foreseeable future.

Whilst Sabden is saddened that Nore Academy will not be opened by the Trust, the significant work, planning, consultation and development undertaken to date will enable a new Trust to start their work and open the new facility from a strong foundation.

The Sabden Multi Academy Trust has had a significant input into the design of the building and curriculum offer and are confident that in time, the school will become a valuable asset to the Sheppey community. The Trust will continue to work constructively with the Department for Education, Kent County Council and all those involved in the build whilst a new Trust is identified and engaged.


The process for identifying and securing a new Trust is being led by the Department for Education and should you have any queries regarding this process we would ask that you contact

If you have any queries relating to placements at the new school please forward these to


Advice from Kent County Council for parents and carers is as follows:

For young people who have an Education, Health and Care Plan and the Local Authority has identified Nore Academy or a special school for young people with Social, Emotional, Mental Health (SEMH) needs, or you (parent/carers) have expressed a preference for Nore Academy, please be assured that the Local Authority and DfE are working together and that the intention is to open the school as soon as possible. 

Once the details about the appointment of an academy trust and Nore Academy opening date are known, your child’s SEN case officer will be in contact.  In the meantime if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the SEND Enquiries Hub in the first instance for updates: Contact our special educational needs and disability teams - Kent County Council

Please note, the decision about the school placement of a child with an EHC Plan is made by the Local Authority, having due regard to parental preference.

Nore Academy

Danley Road, Minster on Sea, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 3AP
01323 691000 (Option 6)