

What is our departmental Intent?


The aim of the PSHE curriculum is to develop in students the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy and well, to be safe and develop social skills, and to manage different types of relationships, in order to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.

Students are empowered to become informed and active citizens who know how democracy operates and how the UK is governed, are aware of their rights and responsibilities, are interested in volunteering and the charitable sector, and can manage their money effectively.


PSHE contributes to careers education where we have heavily implemented the governments CEIAG strategy. At The Workplace we put a great deal of value on the future of our students after they move from us and giving them the opportunity to carve out a vision of their potential path in life & career. We have linked with the Gatsby Benchmarks, developing students’ knowledge and skills that will help them make informed, ambitious and appropriate choices at the end of their time at The Workplace. It supports them in making high quality applications for these destinations, developing their skills for the careers market of the future.


In considering our curriculum*, we take into account the context of students at The Workplace:

  • The requirements of Colleges
  • The job market in East Sussex
  •  Student safety, welfare and PSHCE including an adaptive/reflective curriculum as a result of school and contextual concerns.
  •  British Values and Equality
  •  The development of character and skills that are important for life


*The curriculum includes all organised/guided experiences for students including:




Structured Lessons


Tutor Time



Student voice & leadership team


At The Workplace we believe it is important that we develop learners who are:

  •  Resilient
  •  Aspirational
  •  Creative
  • Confident
  • Emotionally Intelligent
  • Reflective


PSHE at The Workplace develops students’ knowledge and awareness in three main themes. The first is Health, Safety and Wellbeing. This aims to help students keep safe by making them aware of the dangers facing them in areas such as drugs, knife crime, and online harms, developing their ability to make the right choices, their knowledge of how to seek support for themselves and others. Guidance on keeping mentally and physically healthy is developed by providing information and encouraging discussion of real scenarios and choices in lessons and in workshops.

The second theme is Living in The Wider World. This aims to develop students’ knowledge and skills around global issues, looking at issues around politics, both locally and globally, economic and financial well-being, and the work of local charities and groups in the community.

The third theme is Relationships Sex and Health Education (RSHE). PSHE will provide students with the knowledge and skills to make appropriate, safe and legal choices around relationships and sexual activity, and to make students aware of issues around identity, gender and sexuality, as well as keeping themselves and others safe in both intimate and non-intimate relationships.

Students are empowered to become informed and active citizens who know how democracy operates and how the UK is governed, are aware of their rights and responsibilities, are interested in volunteering and the charitable sector, and can manage their money effectively.

PSHE contributes to careers education, developing students’ knowledge and skills that will help them make informed, ambitious and appropriate choices at the end of each key stage: choosing KS4 and post 16 options, applying to sixth form or college, applying to university, to employment or apprenticeships. It supports them in making high quality applications for these destinations, developing their skills for the careers market of the future.


Yr10 Outside speakers, experience of work, Industry partnership, outward facing days

Yr11 Outside speakers: KS4 careers fair, apprenticeships talk, careers guidance meetings,  Industry partnership, outward facing days, University of Sussex visit, First aid course, “Coppafeel” breast cancer” awareness visit



All students build up skills and knowledge that become invaluable in the outside world, they tackle problems and become resilient in testing situations, they reflect in order to allow them to better themselves and they also show creativity. Our diverse curriculum offers more bespoke and personalised learning to meet the needs of all individuals and the lifestyles and influences they want to follow. Living within a diverse area, students will:

  •  Demonstrate and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law and Liberty.
  • Demonstrate a healthy outlook towards school – Attendance, ATL and BFL will improve.
  •  Achieve age related expectations across the wider curriculum. ▪ Develop positive and healthy relationship with their peers both now and in the future.
  •  Understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level.
  •  Have respect for themselves and others. ▪ Have positive body images.
  •  Be aware that there is a range of support systems for poor physical and mental health.
  •  Demonstrate and apply key employment qualities and understand the importance of careers education.



Collaborative curriculum planning, evaluation and regular communication lies at the heart of what we do in the department. Curriculum content is regularly reviewed and discussed within the team and all team members contribute to the creation of curriculum materials and good practice is shared as a matter of course. A PSHE subject audit took place in August 2022 which has helped us evaluate our strengths and areas of improvement. We have consistent aims and objectives for each area of knowledge and learning that we expect all students to meet. Curriculum content is split into SRE, Wider World and Health Education. In PSHE audit we have a strong focus on personal reflection and discussion of issues in a safe and controlled learning environment. This can be seen in our agreed common ground rules for PSHE lessons. Where appropriate, collaborative projects are used alongside reflective activities and regular discussion within the class room to encourage communication and collaborative skills. Cross curricular links are encouraged: For example the discussion of a healthy diet then the students cooking their own well balanced meal in our hospitality area. Our curriculum is delivered through a wide variety of classroom experiences and learning materials. High expectations and NHGS standards of learning behaviours are modelled consistently by teaching staff.


At the beginning of the Academic Year all students will carry out a “My Health, My School” survey to help us assess in depth what the needs of our Students are.


During tutor sessions we are implementing a new tool by the introduction of the “Skillsbuilder” framework to help build a set of essential skills to succeed in life for our students: the ability to creatively solve problems, to self-manage, to communicate effectively, and to work well with others. These are skills that are needed to do almost anything well. The need for these skills is clear, but there is still a gap – too many children and young people do not build these skills to the level they need, and so miss out on opportunities to thrive in other parts of their lives.












Year 10 - 11 Overview 2022-23


Autumn 1

Health & wellbeing

Autumn 2

Living in the wider world

Spring 1


Spring 2

Health & wellbeing

Summer 1


Summer 2

Living in the wider world

Year 10

Mental health

Mental health and ill health, stigma, safeguarding health, including during periods of transition or change

Financial decision making

The impact of financial decisions, debt, gambling and the impact of advertising on financial choices

Healthy relationships

Relationships and sex expectations, myths, pleasure and challenges, including the impact of the media and pornography

Exploring influence

The influence and impact of drugs, gangs, role models and the media

Addressing extremism and radicalisation

Communities, belonging and challenging extremism

Work experience

Preparation for and evaluation of work experience and readiness for work

Year 11

Building for the future

Self-efficacy, stress management, and future opportunities

Next steps

Application processes, and skills for further education, employment and career progression

Communication in relationships

Personal values, assertive communication (including in relation to contraception and sexual health), relationship challenges and abuse


Responsible health choices, and safety in independent contexts


Different families and parental responsibilities, pregnancy, marriage and forced marriage and changing relationships