


Key Stage 3 French

At KS3 learners apply their language knowledge from their KS2 sessions into the four skills areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening.

French KS3





The curriculum is designed to engage our students through the use of interesting and relevant topics covering all sub-strands of the National Curriculum; fostering an appreciation of different cultures and the structure of language.

Students follow an adapted curriculum in where they study pre-determined topics to expand their vocabulary and abilities in all 4 skills areas.

Students are assessed on a regular basis through marking and formative and summative feedback.  Short skills focussed activities in lessons help students to work with their strengths and completion of tasks improves their skills over time.

There are no formal exams in KS3 but if students wish to continue to KS4 a GCSE option is available.

Students at KS3 are assessed each term in line with the New Horizons assessment policy.

Topic overview:

The topics covered each year mirror each other, however, year on year new vocabulary and grammatical ideas are added to students’ knowledge to extend their skills base.

French KS3 2

Long term plan –

O:\NH\AWL Planning\2019-2020\Long term plans\MFL

Alongside this Students have the opportunity to learn about other countries within subjects such as History, Citizenship and PSHRE and thus gain a further insight into various cultures and the wider world.