
Forest School

Learning journey Forest School

Forest School

Subject leads: Alex Leffler and Phil Glynn

Forest School Overview

Forest School is a unique educational experience and process that offers children the opportunity to succeed and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland environment.

Children engage in motivating and achievable tasks and activities throughout the year and in almost all weathers. Children will work with tools, play, learn boundaries of behaviour; both physical and social, grow in confidence, self-esteem and motivation whilst developing an understanding of the natural world.

Implementation - What will I do?

Activities for Forest Schools are diverse and numerous but it should be reminded that we are trying to create independent learners who are inspired to try out their own ideas, explore their own interests and to attempt new ideas.

Some activities might include:

  • Shelter building
  • Fire lighting
  • Tool use
  • Studying wildlife
  • Playing team and group games
  • Sensory activities
  • Tracking games
  • Cooking on an open fire
  • Using a Kelly Kettle
  • Rope and string work
  • Art and sculpture work
  • Woodland and traditional craft
  • Developing stories and drama, and meeting imaginary characters
  • Physical movement activities


Term 1

Term 2


Term 3

Term 4


Term 5

Term 6

Lower School



Fire lighting

Cooking on an open fire

Studying Wildlife

Art and Sculpture

Team games

Tool use


Tool use

Fire lighting

Cooking on an open fire

Rope and String work

Shelter building

Sensory Activities


Woodland and Traditional Craft

Woodland and Traditional Craft

Cooking on an open fire

Making Gadgets

Studying wildlife








Impact - What will I learn?

A Forest School encourages children to:

  • develop personal and social skills
  • work through practical problems and challenges
  • use tools to create, build or manage
  • discover how they learn best
  • pursue knowledge that interests them
  • learn how to manage failures
  • build confidence in decision making and evaluating risk
  • develop practical skills
  • understand the benefits of a balanced and healthy lifestyle
  • explore connections between humans, wildlife and the earth
  • regularly experience achievement and success
  • reflect on learning and experiences
  • develop their language and communication skills
  • improve physical motor skills
  • become more motivated
  • improve their concentration skills